Susan R. 

Apr 26, 2019
I love this Tea. I’ve been drinking the Skinny Tea Girl TeaTox for a week and I’ve lost 8 lbs! Losing the weight is great, but it’s the way my body is feeling. My body felt sluggish to the point of constant aching. Since drinking the tea I feel awesome! Lots of energy. My body doesn’t ache. I feel great. The tea tastes amazing. It’s good hot, but I prefer it cold with ice. Very refreshing.

Mason A. 
Feb 5, 2019
I was around a size 18 and weighed almost 210 pounds by the age of 24.   I hated my body and couldn't pull off the extra weight because I was so petite   But feeling miserable about the way I looked only made me want to eat more   Some Friends told me about Skinny Tea Girl was a 'superfood' that boosts metabolism and gets rid of hunger cravings. At first, I laughed it off. I thought drinking green tea was a fad. I always thought that was just a myth, but I was so desperate to lose weight I decided it was worth a go.   Obviously, I'd been eating well and cutting out my milky teas had probably helped, but my metabolism must have sped up too and I was certainly snacking less. I was amazed.   I don't need to write more, I think my results are in sight! This change was on 2 months and a half. Thank you, Skinny Tea Girl! You changed my life and my confident.  I recommend it to all people who want to lose weight and feel healthy again

Sarah U. 
Mar 24, 2019
I was skeptical at first but this tea really does help to curb my appetite. After three weeks, I’ve lost 16 pounds. I drink the tea once in the morning and then again in the afternoon to help keep my eating on track. An added bonus was how quickly the order came in!

Ashley S. 
Mar 17, 2019
This Tea has changed my life it makes me feel better throughout the day. Just Look how my FACE has changed! I can't believe how bad and sick I looked before. I have never felt better!!!  I’ll definitely keep buying more.

Michele I. 
Jan 10, 2019
I love the taste of this tea and it helped me to stop the munchies. Drinking the Skinny Tea Girl twice a day relax me and helped me to lose a few pounds after three weeks of drinking this tea.

Esme S. 
Jan 3, 2019
This is the best tea on earth! My whole family has been addicted to The Skinny Tea Girl for over 3 years now. It does not taste like artificial flavoring. We don't drink it as hot tea though. We drink it as sweetened iced tea.The Skinny Tea Girl goes all out when shipping their products. It was shipped in a very sturdy box with cardboard filler inside the box to protect the product. Not only did it arrive safely and quickly, they included several samples of their other flavors of tea. I warn you, if you haven't tried this flavor of tea, you will be a life long addict! IT'S SO YUMMY!!

Susan A. 
Jan 3, 2019
This brand changed mylife. Thanks!!

Mia O. 
Jan 3, 2019
This tea is awesome because it gives you that extra boost you need when wanting to loose weight. It automatically starts making you feel better about yourself because it's cleaning you out in a calm way, you just have to put your part in.

Grace A. 
May 5, 2019
One of my co-workers told me about this tea & even bought it for me to try out. It was the best thing that happened to me that year because i legit lost 10 pounds! I stopped eating as much carbs, did some portion control & actually started working out which I’m pretty sure made it work faster & more efficiently. Very much recommend this product (: